
In questa sezione troverete giacenze di magazzino offerte ad un prezzo eccezionale: turbocompressori nuovi originali, complementi d’applicazione, motori, parti motore e tanto altro ancora!

  • 1 May 2020
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Bende e Coperture termiche | SAITO
TD04L Turbocharger thermal blanket Installed directly onto the exhaust housing of your turbo and provides very effective insulation. It is sized for TD04L turbos. Thermal insulation has some benefits including: - a cooler engine bay, due to the drop in ambient heat, giving reduced intake temperatures; - improved turbo performance due to the retention of heat within the exhaust housing Turbocharger thermal blanket Installed directly onto the exhaust housing of your turbo and provides very effective insulation. It is sized for most common T25 - T3 - T4 - T6 turbos. Thermal insulation has some benefits including: - a cooler engine bay, due to the drop in ambient heat, giving reduced intake temperatures; - improved turbo performance due to the retention of heat within the exhaust housing In the presence of turbochargers equipped with an actuator, the installation must always be evaluated so as not to compromise the correct functioning of the valve. Thermal Insulating Bandage Kit + Stainless Steel Clamps Material: the insulation tape is made of basalt fiber through a special weaving process. Basalt fiber can widthstand the temperature range of -260 °C ~ 980 °C, has the characteristics of fire prevention, high temper [...]
Downpipe | SAITO

under construction

  • 1 May 2020
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Flange ed Adattatori | SAITO
Kit Flange Adapter + Clamp Adapter flange with steel clamp for various uses (tuning, marine, etc...) inches 2.5 2.75 3.0  A 62 68 74  B 68 75 81  C 82 88.5 95  D 3.8 4 3.6  E 20 20 20  F 3.0 3.0 3.0  G 1.6 1.6 1.6  H 64 70.5 77  I 68 74.5 81 (value expressed in mm) T25 Flange Adapter T25 stainless steel flange adapter to T25, T2, T2 38mm external wastegate(click on images to enlarge) T3 Flange Adapter T3 flange adapter to T2, T25, TB28, TD04, TD04L(click on images to enlarge) T3 Flange Adapter T3 flange adapter to T25(click on images to enlarge) 4 Holes squared Flange Adapter 4 holes squared flange adapter to V-Band(click on images to enlarge) Flange for Downpipe Fabrication Garrett Performance Turbochargers Series GBC17-250 / GT2860R(click on images to enlarge) Garrett Performance Flanges, Adapters, Brackets and Actuators Components for optimal performance - Download the

Exhaust Risers

Made of stainless steel to resist salt corrosion
Riser di Scarico | SAITO

Particularly when the inboard marine engine is close to the waterline, it is often necessary to include the so-called “exhaust riser”, a component connected directly to the exhaust manifold. Normally the riser has an external over-wrap where the water that surrounds the exhaust gas pipe circulates, guaranteeing the cooling of the entire circumference of the pipe itself. The exhaust riser of a marine engine aims to guartantee the collection, the mixing and the engine cooling water and fuel gas expulsion.

Exhaust manifolds and risers are therefore essential components for the correct operation of the direct or indirect cooling system of the inboard marine engine.

For all the most common inboard marine engines – Volvo Penta, Yanmar, Iveco Aifo, Mercury Mercuiser just to name a few – SAITO, through its commercial partner SAILOG, sells exhaust manifolds and risers, pipe elbows, bends, dual chamber exhausts and heating exchangers all of them made of stainless steel for deep

Marine Turbochargers

Made with noble materials to cope with marine corrosion
When you are on the sea, you have to be in total safety! The marine turbocharger is subject to a different wear from industrial or automotive type. In particular, marine corrosion causes erosion of the metallic components of the turbine housing, with a consequent increase of the space along the compressor wheel of the marine turbocharger. Not to mention the wear caused by the working condition of the marine turbochargers. It works in constant pressure and with the engine constantly under stress - like if you always go uphill on the road - which contributes to greater stress and wear. It produces a reduced reactive time to the power demand, with the following effects: glide delay with repeated attack / detachment of the volumetric compressors, increase of the smoke level. For the above mentioned reasons, SAITO suggests to use new and genuine (original) turbochargers made with noble materials designed to withstand the aforementioned wear conditions. Please contact our sales offices for any kind of advice regarding the purchase of new turbochargers for the most in-use marine engines, like: CATERPILLAR, DETROIT DIESEL, GUASCOR, IVECO AIFO, MAN, MERCRUISER MERCURY MARINE, SCANIA, STEYR, VM MOTORI, VOLVO PENTA, YANMAR, CUMMIN [...]

Forged Compressor Wheels

Improved performance and reliability compared to normal impellers
  • 4 April 2016
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The need to get more power and torque from the engine makes it necessary to use turbochargers capable of working at higher compression ratios (up to 5:1), higher rotational speeds and high derived temperatures due to the effect of increased air compression. When the turbocharger is used in heavy duty applications – such as city buses, trucks for local deliveries, earth moving machines, sports cars and so on – it’s speed has great variations this strongly stresses the Turbocharger’s internal components, including the Compressor Wheel.

Due to the increased performance of both engines and turbochargers, Standard die-casted compressor wheels has reached the limit of their resistance and so – in order to increase Turbocharger reliability – a new production method has been developed, namely for mechanical processing, from the a special Aluminum bar. The standard molded Compressor Wheel shows failure problems due to stress and often due to fusion defects, to oxides or other impurities

Garrett Classic Turbo

Supercharging from the past updated with modern technology
Turbo Garrett Classic | SAITO

The Turbo Garrett Classic line sets itself an ambitious goal: to make historic cars also benefit from technological progress. Sacred monsters of motoring, cars that due to their "venerable" age often need spare parts that are now out of production... and the turbo is no exception! If the original component is not overhaulable or available or there is no need to comply with the requirements of a certification - see ASI Targa Oro - it is possible to replace the entire turbocharger with a compatible product, aesthetically similar and at the same time updating technology. The distribution of the Garrett Classic Turbos will start right from Europe, the old continent which, starting from the 70s and 80s, was the forerunner of the turbo revolution in the automobile.

The range will be constantly updated, technical and commercial information can be requested from SAITO by contacting +39 071715693 / info@saito.itPGEgbmFtZT0iYWxmYSI+PC9hPg==JTNDYSUyMG5hbWUlM0QlMjJmaWF0JTIyJTNFJTNDJTJGYSUzRSUzQ2gyJTNFQUxGQSUyMFJPTUVPJTNDJTJGaDIlM0UlMEElM0NhJTIwaHJlZiUzRCUyMmh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnNhaXRvLml0JTJGd3AtY29udGVudCUyRnVwbG9hZHMlMkYyMDIzJTJGMDMlMkZnYXJyZXR0LW [...]

Vintage Turbocharger (Classic Car)

Analysis of the causes of breakage and estimates for the repair of turbochargers of vintage cars
  • 1 February 2016
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The turbochargers for vintage cars are only apparently the same as the current ones but in the reality it is not so. They are more “sensitive” and overall less reliable because the materials used in the past were less efficient. As well as the production and the assembly technologies were less refined. The turbochargers were also used on less “intelligent” engines, there was less control of the combustion parameters which made them less stable the exhaust gas conditions.

All this to say, before defining whether a turbo can be remanufactured, it is good to view it and decide how to proceed and whether it is really worth it. Remanufacturing a vintage turbo can cost approximately from € 250 to € 600 with more or less optimal results depending on the level of action taken. Sometimes a cracked turbine housing can be restored but the work will be more expensive and the result not totally reliable.

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