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SC2105: a vary easy to install turbo kit suitable for Citroën C2 1.4L Hdi
The components of the SC2105 Kit have been realized in order to be able to install everything with great simplicity without having to make substantial changes to the standard system. Like all our applications, the assembly of the kit is simple but obviously for to be able to obtain the desired performance it is necessary to adjust the introduction of the fuel by modifying the parameters of the control unit. In order to achieve a good result in terms of maximum power, SAITO has selected a turbo in the Mitsubishi range capable of guaranteeing high air flows with a moment of inertia that is not too high. The turbo in question belongs to the hybrid TD025L family or with a compressor that is larger than the TD03 family. The dimensioning of the impellers and the throttle section of the turbine was carried out with the aim of obtaining 100 horsepower with considerable engine reliability. The Mitsubishi turbine is equipped as standard with a 360 ° thrust bearing capable of supporting very high axial thrusts evenly.
As everyone now knows it is our philosophy never to intervene on the coreassy , that is on the central part of the turbo in order not to lose, during the modification, the original balance set by the house (in our opinion not restorable with the normal balancing machines on the market). With this philosophy we have been able to achieve exceptional results in terms of reliability on all our upgrade kits and we firmly believe it was the winning choice. The turbo is supplied with a prearranged actuator at about 1.2 Bar in direct drive from the compressor.
It is important to know that to limit the price of the Kit it is necessary to send us the exhaust manifold so that we can carry out the modification of the turbine connection flange. In the event that the collector cannot be sent we will deliver a new collector with price increase of 100 euros + VAT.
The kit includes:
1 modified exhaust manifold;
1 increased turbocharger;
1 air delivery pipe
– first section of the exhaust pipe including the metal catalytic converter;
n.1 Set of stickers coated with the kit logo